Saturday, May 16, 2020

What Does Ethnic Literature Mean - 994 Words

What does ethnic literature mean? We all have some ethnicity in us that is different than the rest, so doesn’t that mean that all of our literary contributions make up that of American ethnic literature? Before the Civil War, many of the minority people of America started writing poems, songs, and other types of literature that helped describe what life was like in America as an outsider in the â€Å"white† world. These writings became the beginnings of what is now called American ethnic literature. Early authors found themselves writing about the extreme hardships of slavery, the realities of life as a slave during this time, and how hard it was for the African-American people to cope in real life scenarios. These novels showed readers the day to day experiences of what a slave really was, and were generally written by former slaves. Some of the first novels written by African Americans were all published in the early 1850’s; these novels all gave a different element to the lives being led by the African American people at the time. (Digital History, 2014) The authors weren’t just men either, many of the authors were women, sharing poems and real life stories of what it was like to be a woman slave in those days. Freedom was something that was truly longed for, not just wanting to be bought, but something that each slave wished for, and this is where magnificent writing was brought forth from. African Americans weren’t the only ones coming onto the literature scene duringShow MoreRelatedEthnic Literature : Ethnic American Literature1381 Words   |  6 Pagesto introduce and analyze the topic of Ethnic American Literature. Specifically it will discuss the meaning and definition of Ethnic American literature. Ethnic American literature is a rich and varied treasure of poetry, fiction, drama, and much more. 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