Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Qualitative Research On Quantitative Research - 1496 Words

The qualitative research method involves analysing data, such as words, pictures or objects. It is more subjective, and requires the researcher to interpret data in order to form thematic ideas. Quantitative research can gather a large amount of data that can be easily organised and manipulated into reports for analysis. It often includes one to one interview. It utilises open- ended questions. This means that the researcher has to interpret their findings. Moreover, in qualitative research is used to generate hypotheses and develop an understanding about a particular group that uses words and images rather that numbers. That being said, a qualitative research focuses on a smaller sample group to help find a deeper analysis of a topic†¦show more content†¦The third report, which I will briefly discuss, is called Understanding inequalities in London’s life expectancy and healthy life expectancy. For example, the reports briefly mentioned about different the types of case studies, questionnaires, interviews, surveys and telephone screening. The first report that I found from SCIE aimed to find out systematic ways of conducting research about old people from all available evidence, minimising bias and assembling as complete as possible a picture of the knowledge available. In this report, the researchers used qualitative synthesis. For this matter, the researcher wanted to find out the importance of giving information and education is essentials and the effectiveness prior to discharge from hospital and continues when the older person returns home. The different kinds of studies that are required include qualitative accounts of the views of those receiving services, and descriptive and observational work on how interventions are put into practice (so-called ‘process and implementation studies’). In the systematic review community, these are sometimes referred to as ‘studies with diverse designs’ and since such studies by definition use a variety of methods, they require different kinds of methods to synthesise their findings. (SCIE, 2006) This paper was based only on the responsesShow MoreRelatedQualitative Research : Qualitative And Quantitative Research854 Words   |  4 Pageswhat come to mind when thinking about qualitative and quantitative research. In other words, quantitative research utilizes numbers while qualitative research does not. Another noteworthy distinction between the two methods lies in data collection. Unlike qualitative research which is employed to transform data into statistics, qualitative research is utilized to gain a deeper understanding or underlying opinions, reasons and motivations. Quantitative research is exploratory in the sense that it attemptsRead MoreQualitative Research And Quantitative Research917 Words   |  4 PagesIn order to carry out my research, there were two feasible arguments to using qualitative research and quantitative methods. Qualitative research is recording information that express information about feelings, values and attitudes using words, whereas quantitative research uses data that is expressed in numerical form using descriptive and inferential statistics (Lindlof Taylor, 2002). Quantitative research is useful when measuring facts and is structured using characterised surveys and statisticalRead MoreQuantitative Research : Qualitative Research825 Words   |  4 PagesPoints of Consideration for this Qualitative Research Skinner, Tagg, and Holloway (2000) stressed that engaging in qualitative research demands an understanding of some of the drawbacks associated with doing this type of research. A number of common concerns related to qualitative research are found in the literature. The time and resources involved in collecting and analyzing qualitative data are mentioned frequently (e.g., Creswell, 1998; Skinner, Tagg, Holloway, 2000). A related concern involvesRead MoreQualitative Research : Quantitative Research Essay814 Words   |  4 PagesQualitative research is a kind of of scientific research which consists of an analysis that look for answers to a question, systematically uses a specific procedures to answer the question, gathers evidence, generate findings that are legit farther the limits of the study. Qualitative research has these characteristics. As an addition, it looks for to analyze the research problem or motif from the aspect of the local people who involves the study. Qualitati ve research is particularly effectiveRead MoreQualitative Research And Quantitative Research1675 Words   |  7 Pages Qualitative research and Quantitative research Qualitative research Defilation Qualitative research is a method used in different academic disciplines, generally in social science, but also in research and further contexts. Qualitative researchers aim to attain detailed understanding of human behavior rand the reasons that govern such behavior. The qualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making, not just what, where, when. Hence, smallerRead MoreQualitative Research : Quantitative Research1442 Words   |  6 Pageslevel, qualitative research involves an interpretive, naturalistic approach to the world. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. (Denzin Lincoln, 2005, p. 3) Different from quantitative research that collects and analyzes numerical data, qualitative research deals with non-numerical data such as interviews, participant observations, audio and visual imagesRead MoreQualitative Research : Quantitative Research Essay1320 Words   |  6 PagesQualitative research is scientific research based on something that cannot be correctly and precisely measured (University of Wisconsin-Madison-Health Services Ebling Library, 2016). Qualitative research is biased and uses preliminary reasoning to combine data (University of Wisconsin-Madison-Health Services Ebling Library, 2016). Qualitative research establishes theories to help explain the phenomena while focusing on the experiences and opinions of all study subjects (Verhoef Casebeer, 1997)Read MoreQualitative Research : Quantitative Research Essay978 Words   |  4 PagesQualitative research explains, describes and characterizes the subject of investigation by focusing on words rather than numbers . It mainly collects the non-numerical data to describe a problem and helps to create ideas for further research. In qualitative research, data are collected through focus groups, interviews, direct observation or evaluation of archival material such as newspapers. Qualitative research has a qualitative dimension and relies on the background and context to analyze data.Read MoreQuantitative and Qualitative Research1006 Words   |  5 PagesQuantitative and Qualitative Research Sheri Doubleday May 16, 2011 Research procedures depends on the analyzing data and questions on the topic being researched. All research can be differentiated on the basis of whether its methodology produces mostly numerical data (e.g., scores and measurements) or mostly narrative data (e.g., verbal descriptions and opinions) (Mertler, C. amp; Charles, C. 2011, p 24). Qualitative research and quantitative research are two types of research methods. Read MoreQualitative And Quantitative And Qualitative Research1972 Words   |  8 Pagesworld of research, there are two general approaches to gathering and reporting information qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach to research is focused on understanding a phenomenon from a closer perspective. The quantitative approach tends to approximate phenomena from a large number of individuals using survey methods. There has been widespread debate in recent years within many of the social sciences regarding the relative merits of quantitative an d qualitative strategies

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